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Interested in participating in our research? Read the information below to make sure you're eligible. Then register your interest by completing the online form (black box).

Study information

The aim of this study is to better understand the research priorities of the autistic non- and minimally-speaking community.


Who can participate?

  • Autistic non- and minimally-speaking adults (aged 18 years and older) who communicate fluently by pointing to letters on an alphabet stencil or typing on a keyboard.


  • Parents of autistic non- and minimally speaking children (aged 5 years and older) and adults.


What's involved? We will ask you some questions over email or Zoom. You can respond using your preferred method of communication. We will ask you questions about what YOU think autism researchers should work on. We will also ask you to complete a brief online questionnaire.


Where? Online


When? Different time slots are provided at your convenience.


Duration? Between 1 and 1.5 hours.


Payment. Autistic participants will receive a voucher worth 20 GPB. Parents will receive a voucher worth 10 GBP. The discrepancy is to account for the additional time and effort it takes non-speakers to communicate by spelling out their thoughts.


Our research team. Professor Alexandra Woolgar and Dr Hannah Rapaport, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge​​


Questions? Contact Hannah Rapaport:


Interested in participating?
Leave your details and a researcher will email you.

Thank you for your interest! 

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