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Lab publications

All our papers are published "open access" meaning they are freely available for anyone in the world to read. If you have difficulty accessing any of our publications please email and we will send you a copy!




Woolgar, A.*, Feredoes, E.*, Assem, M., Bassil, Y., Bergmann, T.O., Beynel, L., Burke, M., Cash, R.F.H., Comeau, R.M., Correia, M.M., Genc, E., Hartwigsen, G., Jackson, J.B., Kienle, M., Kunz, P., Leticevscaia, O., Luber, B., Lueckel, M., Mathiesen, C., Michael, E., Numssen, O., Oathes, D.J., Rosen, A.C. , Schuhmann, T., Schuler, A.-L., Scrivener, C.L., Thielscher, A., Tik, M., Todorov, Y., Vasileiadi, M., Windischberger, C., Hermiller, M.S.^, and Sack, A.T.^  (submitted) Concurrent TMS-fMRI: An international consensus and functional guide for current and future researchers. Nature Protocols * equal contribution, ^ equal contribution.


Lu., R., Michael, E., Scrivener, C.L., Jackson, J.,. Duncan, J., & Woolgar, A (Preprint) The causal roles of parietal alpha oscillations and evoked potentials in coding task-relevant information during selective attention.


Scrivener, C., Groostwagers, T., Woolgar, A., (Preprint) Optimising analysis choices for multivariate decoding: creating pseudotrials using trial averaging and resampling


Scrivener, C. L., Jackson, J. B., Correia, M. M., Mada, M., & Woolgar, A. (Preprint). Now you see it, now you don't: optimal parameters for interslice stimulation in concurrent TMS-fMRI.


Jackson, J.B., Rich, A.N., Moerel, D., Teichmann, L., Duncan, J., Woolgar, A., (Preprint) Domain general frontoparietal regions show modality-dependent coding of auditory and visual rules.





Moerel, D., Rich, A.N., Woolgar, A., (2024, in press) Selective attention and decision-making have separable neural bases in space and time. Journal of Neuroscience, Preprint:


Zheng, Y., Lu, R., & Woolgar, A. (2024) Radical flexibility of neural representations in service of flexible behaviour.


Kong, Y., Zhao, C., Li, D., Li, B., Hu, Y., Liu, H., Woolgar, A., Guo, J., Song, Y., (2024) Auditory change detection and visual selective attention: Association between MMN and N2pc.





​Wisniewski, D, González-García, C., Formica, S., Woolgar, A., Brass, M., (2023) Adaptive coding of stimulus information in human fronto-parietal cortex during visual classification. Neuroimage


Petit, S., Brown, A., Jessen, E. T., Woolgar, A., (2023) How robustly do multivariate EEG patterns track individual-subject lexico-semantic processing of visual stimuli? Language, Cognition and Neuroscience


Barnes, L., Rangelov, D., Mattingley, J., Woolgar, A., (2023) Fractionating distraction: how past- and future-relevant distractors influence integrated decisions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. Preprint:




Moerel, D., Grootswagers, T., Robinson, A. K., Woolgar, A., Carlson, T., & Rich, A. N. (2022). The time-course of feature-based attention effects dissociated from temporal expectation and target-related processes. Scientific Resports.


Barnes, L., Goddard, E., & Woolgar, A. (2022). Neural coding of visual objects rapidly reconfigures to reflect sub-trial shifts in attentional focus. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.


Robinson, A. K., Rich, A. N., & Woolgar, A. (2022). Linking the brain with behaviour: the neural dynamics of success and failure in goal-directed behaviour. Journal of Cognitive Neurosicence.


Goddard, E., Carlson, T. A., & Woolgar, A. (2022). Spatial and feature-selective attention have distinct, interacting, effects on population-level tuning. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience


Cope, T., Hughes, L. E., Phillips, H. N., Adams, N. E., Jafariana, A., Nesbitt, D., Assem, M., CamCAN, Woolgar, A., Duncan, J., Rowe, J. B., (2022) Causal evidence for the multiple demand network in change detection: auditory mismatch magnetoencephalography across focal neurodegenerative diseases. The Journal of Neuroscience


Karimi-Rouzbahani, H., & Woolgar, A., (2022) When the whole is less than the sum of its parts: maximum object category information and behavioral prediction in multiscale activation patterns. Frontiers in Neuroscience


Karimi-Rouzbahani, H., Woolgar, A., Henson, R., Nili, H., (2022) Caveats and nuances of model-based and model-free representational connectivity analysis. Frontiers in Neuroscience.


Lu, R., Xi, J., Zhang, X., & Shi, J. (2022). High fluid intelligence is characterized by flexible allocation of attentional resources: Evidence from EEG. Neuropsychologia.




Jackson, J. B., Feredoes, E., Rich, A., Lindner, M. & Woolgar, A. (2021). Concurrent neuroimaging and neural stimulation reveals a causal role for dlPFC in coding of task-relevant information. Nature Communications Biology


Karimi-Rouzbahani, H., Woolgar, A.*, & Rich, A.N.* (2021) Vigilance decrements in the brain: neural signatures can predict behavioural errors before they happen. *equal contribution. eLife, 10: e60563


Karimi-Rouzbahani, H., Remezani, F., Woolgar, A., Rich, A.N., & Ghodrati, M. (2021). Perceptual difficulty modulates the direction of information flow in familiar face recognition. NeuroImage.


Barnes, L., Petit S., Badcock, N.B., Whyte, C., & Woolgar, A., (2021) Word detection in individual subjects is difficult to probe with fast periodic visual stimulation. Frontiers in Neuroscience 15 (602798).


Scrivener, C. L. (2021). When is simultaneous recording necessary? A guide for researchers considering combined EEG-fMRI. Frontiers in Neuroscience 15 (744)


Karimi-Rouzbahani, H., Shahmohammadi, M., Vahab, E., Setayeshi, S., Carlson, T., (2021) Temporal codes provide additional category-related information in object category decoding: a systematic comparison of informative EEG features. Neural Computation 33(11):3027-3072


Smith, R., Friston, K., Whyte, C., (2021 Preprint) A step-by-step tutorial on active inference and its application to empirical data. https://10.31234/


Wisniewski, D, González-García, C., Formica, S., Woolgar, A., Brass, M., (2021 Preprint) Adaptive coding of stimulus information in human fronto-parietal cortex during visual classification




Petit, S., Badcock, N. A., Grootswagers, T., Rich, A. N., Brock, J., Nickels, L., ... & Woolgar, A. (2020). Towards an individualised neural assessment of receptive language in children. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.


Petit, S., Badcock, N. A., & Woolgar, A. (2020). Finding Hidden Treasures: A Child-Friendly Neural Test Of Task-Following In Individuals Using Functional Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound. Neuropsychologia


Petit, S., Badcock, N. A., Grootswagers, T., & Woolgar, A. (2020).Unconstrained multivariate EEG decoding can help detect lexical-semantic processing in individual children. Nature Scientific Reports


Caruana, N., Alhasan, A., Wagner, K., Kaplan, D.M., Woolgar, A., McArthur G., (2020) The effect of non-communicative eye movements on joint attention. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.


Weldon, K. B., Woolgar, A., Rich, A. N., & Williams, M. A. (2020). Late disruption of central visual field disrupts peripheral perception of form and color. PloS one, 15(1), e0219725.


Brown, A. C., Peters J. L., Parson C., Crewther D. P., & Crewther S. G., (2020). Efficiency in magnocellular processing: A common deficit in neurodevelopment disorders. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 00049




Weldon, K. B., Woolgar, A., Rich, A. N., & Williams, M. A. (2019). Foveal feedback supports peripheral perception of both object color and form. BioRxiv, 690305.


Woolgar, A., Dermody, N., Afshar, S., Williams, M. A., & Rich, A. N. (2019). Meaningful patterns of information in the brain revealed through analysis of errors. bioRxiv, 673681.




Woolgar, A., Duncan, J., Manes, F., & Fedorenko, E. (2018). Fluid intelligence is supported by the multiple-demand system not the language system. Nature Human Behaviour, 2(3), 200-204.


Jackson, J. B., & Woolgar, A. (2018). Adaptive coding in the human brain: Distinct object features are encoded by overlapping voxels in frontoparietal cortex. Cortex, 108, 25-34.


Caruana, N., Stieglitz Ham, H., Brock, J., Woolgar, A., Kloth, N., Palermo, R., & McArthur, G. (2018). Joint attention difficulties in autistic adults: an interactive eye-tracking study. Autism, 22(4), 502-512.


Zopf, R., Butko, M., Woolgar, A., Williams, M. A., & Rich, A. N. (2018). Representing the location of manipulable objects in shape-selective occipitotemporal cortex: Beyond retinotopic reference frames?. Cortex, 106, 132-150.




Jackson, J., Rich, A. N., Williams, M. A., & Woolgar, A. (2017). Feature-selective attention in frontoparietal cortex: multivoxel codes adjust to prioritize task-relevant information. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 29(2), 310-321.


Woolgar, A., & Zopf, R. (2017). Multisensory coding in the multiple-demand regions: vibrotactile task information is coded in frontoparietal cortex. Journal of neurophysiology, 118(2), 703-716.


Caruana, N., McArthur, G., Woolgar, A., & Brock, J. (2017). Simulating social interactions for the experimental investigation of joint attention. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 74, 115-125.


Caruana, N., McArthur, G., Woolgar, A., & Brock, J. (2017). Detecting communicative intent in a computerised test of joint attention. PeerJ, 5, e2899.




Goddard, E., Carlson, T. A., Dermody, N., & Woolgar, A. (2016). Representational dynamics of object recognition: Feedforward and feedback information flows. Neuroimage, 128, 385-397.


Woolgar, A., Jackson, J., & Duncan, J. (2016). Coding of visual, auditory, rule, and response information in the brain: 10 years of multivoxel pattern analysis. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 28(10), 1433-1454.


Weldon, K. B., Rich, A. N., Woolgar, A., & Williams, M. A. (2016). Disruption of foveal space impairs discrimination of peripheral objects. Frontiers in psychology, 7, 699.




Woolgar, A., Williams, M. A., & Rich, A. N. (2015). Attention enhances multi-voxel representation of novel objects in frontal, parietal and visual cortices. Neuroimage, 109, 429-437.


Woolgar, A., Afshar, S., Williams, M. A., & Rich, A. N. (2015). Flexible coding of task rules in frontoparietal cortex: an adaptive system for flexible cognitive control. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 27(10), 1895-1911.


Caruana, N., Brock, J., & Woolgar, A. (2015). A frontotemporoparietal network common to initiating and responding to joint attention bids. Neuroimage, 108, 34-46.




Woolgar, A., Golland, P., & Bode, S. (2014). Coping with confounds in multivoxel pattern analysis: What should we do about reaction time differences? A comment on Todd, Nystrom & Cohen 2013. Neuroimage, 98, 506-512.


Rivolta, D., Woolgar, A., Palermo, R., Butko, M., Schmalzl, L., & Williams, M. A. (2014). Multi-voxel pattern analysis (MVPA) reveals abnormal fMRI activity in both the “core” and “extended” face network in congenital prosopagnosia. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 8, 925.




Woolgar, A., Bor, D., & Duncan, J. (2013). Global increase in task-related fronto-parietal activity after focal frontal lobe lesion. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 25(9), 1542-1552.




Woolgar, A., Hampshire, A., Thompson, R., & Duncan, J. (2011). Adaptive coding of task-relevant information in human frontoparietal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(41), 14592-14599.


Woolgar, A., Thompson, R., Bor, D., & Duncan, J. (2011). Multi-voxel coding of stimuli, rules, and responses in human frontoparietal cortex. Neuroimage, 56(2), 744-752.


Roca, M., Torralva, T., Gleichgerrcht, E., Woolgar, A., Thompson, R., Duncan, J., & Manes, F. (2011). The role of Area 10 (BA10) in human multitasking and in social cognition: a lesion study. Neuropsychologia, 49(13), 3525-3531.



Roca, M., Parr, A., Thompson, R., Woolgar, A., Torralva, T., Antoun, N., ... & Duncan, J. (2010). Executive function and fluid intelligence after frontal lobe lesions. Brain, 133(1), 234-247.


Woolgar, A., Parr, A., Cusack, R., Thompson, R., Nimmo-Smith, I., Torralva, T., ... & Duncan, J. (2010). Fluid intelligence loss linked to restricted regions of damage within frontal and parietal cortex. Proceedings of the national academy of sciences, 107(33), 14899-14902.



Duncan, J., Parr, A., Woolgar, A., Thompson, R., Bright, P., Cox, S., ... & Nimmo-Smith, I. (2008). Goal neglect and Spearman's g: competing parts of a complex task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 137(1), 131.'s_g_Competing_Parts_of_a_Complex_Task/links/56c5960e08aea564e305e2db.pdf


Hogan, S., Stokes, J., White, C., Tyszkiewicz, E., & Woolgar, A. (2008). An evaluation of auditory verbal therapy using the rate of early language development as an outcome measure. Deafness & education international, 10(3), 143-167.

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